So I've taken the last two weeks to take some time to sit back, and let life play out in front of me while paying attention to everyone, every moment, and every message in between.

I've had some turbulence with some financial issues lately, but what I have realized is these are nothing more than lessons, and tests for us to go through...

Who are you in the midst of the storm? When God seems to be absent? God can't you hear our cries!? What we don't realize is that just there, on the other side of the storm above, lies the sunlight. It never went anywhere. 

At times we don't let the storm tell us what we need to hear, learn, or recognize. Falling victim to the storm. The storm is a different type of learning, it isn't pleasant. But the overall lessons are far more rich than any. In it we learn what we are doing wrong, what we should be doing, as well as how strong, and resilient we are. Through the storm we get clarity.

The crazy thing is we don't realize that God comes in many different forms, one of them being the storm itself. We often believe it be the work of the devil, but do not be deceived... at times it is God that is testing us through the turbulence. 

Testing our faith in him, as well as within ourselves. But stand back, what is it that you can learn from this situation? You always seem to survive don't you? You always seem to carry on... 

I often know that people hold themselves back from moving forward because they do not feel they even deserve God's love. Feel that they have messed their life up so bad that they DESERVE to wallow in their own misery. Thats thinking with our false egotistical mind. God KNOWS the struggle we go through! God put us through those VERY struggles! So that we could grow, learn and expand from it! We are supposed to learn from those lessons, and storms that we encounter! That is the entire reason for existence. Through those moments, we are given the clarity to move closer to God.

The issue is many people get caught up in the chaos of the storm, and do not pay attention to process the entire reason, and purpose of that storm.

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is all about..." -Haruki Murakami

"What we suffer now, is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later..." -Romans 8:18

"God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience, and it takes a lot of faith but it is always worth the wait..." -unknown

As I was focusing on overcoming my troubles I stumbled across my horoscope for the day reading; "There is a storm around you, sit back and let it pass..." If you don't take that as a sign, I don't know what more you need. That is exactly what I needed to hear, and see at that moment. Lucky I was paying attention...

You have to realize through our mistakes, sins, regrets there is something to learn from. You deserve God because God made you, he knows your faults. He trusts for you to fall down, learn from it and keep moving...

"GOD doesn't love you because YOU are good. God loves you because GOD is good."

What is it that we have to learn from today? What are these storms telling me? Where do I go from here? 

Life is a lot more like a sailboat than a train, we often believe it is as easy and smooth as a train. Going about life trying to find the right train. But in reality life is like a sailboat; the unpredictable breeze of the wind, and force of the waves, blow us a different direction. Gust by gust. We just have to remember to sit back, and enjoy smooth sailing, and learn how to adapt when the tides are rough...

You deserve God. God loves you. He's there on the other side of the storm, waiting for your earnest cry. When that day comes, he will answer. But will your eyes be open enough for you to see it?




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