Since the beginning of my life this has been the topic that has danced in my head throughout many restless nights laying in bed. Fighting the simplicity of what it is to be. Should we confine to the norms of society? Or should we trust the voice within, and follow our passions, truths, seeking true connection, and true impact during this life... The thought of individuality.

Individuality is really an interesting idea.. and actually turns into quiet a contradictory concept. I have found that in the society in which we exist many of us we are constantly seeking the approval of others, seeking a sense of belonging or "fitting in." But yet how can we fit in, and yet we are all so diversely different? To follow the truth of being, you follow your individuality, and independence. 

It has been through my observation and personal experiences I have realized that it is through our individuality in which we truly connect. By exploring the truth in ourselves, we connect to the truth in others. When we take out a step in faith and offer our humble honesty, and truth to the moment we fill a space in each other, offering; inspiration, motivation, insight, and connection that is not forged or faked. Opening doors that were once shut.

We as a society are making a shift, we are becoming more accepting, more diverse, and more awakened. Exploring, and expressing our passions, truths, and contributions to this world. Nothing can put a damper on the light that is lit when we shine together. It is our voices that matter, the voice of the people. ALL people, we must stand together. we all must be there, and be present for our brothers, sisters, as well as for our future generations set to inherit the society we shape, and the world in which we live.

From the time we are young, each one of us goes through a rigorous process of conditioning, and oppression. Told what is the proper role for you as a man/ or as a woman, proper for a practitioner of your specific faith to believe is right and wrong, proper societal roles for a person of your race to pursue. We are told openly and subliminally that if you don't fit the mold you better follow suit. There are pre-existing roles, and expectations for you set in place before the thought of your existence was even set in motion. I'm specifically speaking of the man made system of society, which holds such as weight over those who do not conform, or fit their neanderthal prehistoric outlook on the world, as well as the role we play within it. 

Not only do we as a species evolve overtime, but our understanding of the world should be transcending our past thoughts of what was. Those who are not awakening to new times, and understanding about the natural being of mankind- choose to stay in the shadows of ignorance placed in the past. Like still believing the earth is flat. 

I personally choose to surrender myself to the natural flow, ongoing evolution, and quest for understanding, and truth of being. My being. As well as the pure truth of purpose to which I was born and destined to fulfill.

I think, we are as a society are starting to awaken and are realizing that we have a path yet to be globally explored and set in place as a new way of being by mankind. Today we need to realize, that our lives, talents, and understandings must be used to the fullest of our potential in order to make your TRUE contribution to the world. We actually are born with a destiny, and purpose set in place for you, we just have to pay attention to whispers in life and follow where that takes us.

Our individuality is what makes us each uniquely different, but yet divinely constructed with very specific talents, skills, characteristics, and passions. We must live, and express our truth in the world in order to fully commit to our destinies. 

We will face scrutiny, we will face judgment, but most of the time our fear is the true enemy in the moment.

People are quick to assume that all people, are the same. Stroking them all with one brush. When in fact we are all uniquely different, and our individuality is a divine characteristic to which mankind has been blessed. Blessed with consciousness to even be a thinking mind, and blessed with our individuality in which we are all given. Lack of decency no matter your background is conditioned into a person, by the process of influence to which your environment and upbringing creates. We must all realize that we can transcend our environment and current states of being. One of my favorite quotes is by famous life coach Tony Robbins, he states "Your current situation is no indication of your ultimate potential..."

We are all born with slight differences; Different races, passions, understandings, and love. We are all in this together. That view is at times hard to see, as the clarity gets lost in the smoke from this battle for superiority. Fighting about who is right, who is just, who is entitled, who is superior.

It's all an illusion... there is only one race, and thats the human race, one kind and that is that of mankind. We as a society search for division where there is none. People like to feel superior over others, believing that there way is the only proper choice. But the path, and journey for everyone is vastly different. You will find that even those who oppressed their light, and natural being there entire lives, carry around a burden within. Leaving behind nothing but the missed opportunity, and regret from not following their truths. Happiness stems from following your inner truth.

Lets say for example it is a mans dream to be an artist, but he comes from a family of lawyers and is expected to follow the previous men in the family by taking over the family business. He has the privilege of holding a steady job, great money coming in, and even maybe a lavish lifestyle. But still would never be fully happy for he is not living in his truth, and following his natural individuality.

The last few years as many of you may know, I have been dedicated to seeking enlightenment, towards my inner development, and building a strong foundation towards my connection to the universe, God, as well as my true purpose within. Learning such incredible lessons about myself, as well as the world. I've done enough self examination, and soul seeking for us all! Through time as I have stayed dedicated through progression of my mind, body, and soul my fears, and judgments about myself have been dealt with. As I began to conquer, and slay my demons the fear faded away, and I realized the fear was all an illusion the entire time. 

I have been following my individuality since I was a child. I have fought to be who I am, we cannot let society, fear, or the judgement of others influence our power and will to live true.

As a child and teenager, I naturally leaned heavily into the arts: entertainment, dancing, singing etc. Which was looked at as unusual for a boy to be interested in. Especially coming from such a small minded town, dominantly a straight sports-town, as well as being raised in a tradition Italian American/ Roman Catholic family. In school I had to stand against some judgement, and scrutiny for just being me. I've stood tall, and followed my truth, and individuality right to this moment. This is my date with destiny to share with all my loved ones and followers of my blog that I know what it is like to face the hardships of being who you are. We have all faced judgement for our differences. But it is within our differences that makes us unique.

 As if most of your minds haven't wondered in the past... I am bisexual. Most of us hate labels, because the attraction for me differs person to person. Gender in my case, never mattered to me as much as my connection with that specific person does. I felt I wanted the fair chance to play the field without judgement from either gender, or those around me. Women don't tend to be understanding of a bisexual man, when that is a double standard men have had to endure. It is okay in society for a women to experience both sides, but when a man does it- He's gay. You can say that, but that in fact would also be false. For me all I need is an authentic connection, if it is a man or woman that also to me doesn't matter.

A boy like me growing up definitely had moments when I felt like an outcast, living in fear with a natural urge living inside of me which I had to suppress because it was "Wrong." But if I've always been this way, and was naturally wired this way then how could it be!? I've always had a larger intellectual interest in the world, and was always much more mature for my age. A question that was often asked "You like girls, right?" As if I it wasn't okay if I didn't, or if I liked boy too. 

I feel that I was oppressed by fear. Which led to the suppression of a piece of my natural self for most of my life afraid to face the scrutiny, and judgement of what my loved ones would think about me. It felt like I was living a secret double life. But over the years living in New York, and being surrounded by such a diverse influence of all faiths, backgrounds, and sexualities I have come to love the individuality within us all. Love is all I have left, love for myself as well as others. The judgement has fallen by the way side, needless to say, I don't care what others think anymore. Let this manifesto say it all.

I felt if I came out, I would disappoint my family, and my friends. Afraid that my younger brothers wouldn't be able to look up to me any more. It wasn't until I told some of my friends, and I was met with such unconditional love, and relief. Given insight I never had before, most of them said they already knew, and was just happy I was able to be truthful. That was something I hadn't thought about... they already knew, and loved me anyways. 

 After I came out to my family; all the false judgement I felt in my mind was disproven, and trumped by unconditional love. The plan was to tell my family before I told anyone else, and just recently the unfolding process began. Transcending the walls, I confined myself in. It took the support of others for me to feel safe enough, to expose the truth.

My intention for this post is to let others out there know that the fear is mostly in our minds, we are all equally great no matter how different our talents, purpose etc. Our uniqueness is what makes us special, nobody can be like you. Follow the truth of who you are, and what you were meant to be and you will thrive. I am also writing this blog because I want to clearly explain and present this in a correct, and respectful manner so that people don't get my words twisted. 

We have to trust that every bit of ourselves, flaws and all... each attribute builds up to make the person we are, and the destiny we are meant to fulfill. We have to love ourselves enough to give ourselves enough respect to live fully within their truth. To anyone over the years who I have fronted with about the true nature of my sexuality. I apologize for not being as open as I should of been... I simply was not ready yet, afraid of being judged, and afraid of rejection. We each have our own time table, be patient, and let it naturally unfold from within. In time, you will come into being. Its an ongoing quest which never ends up until the day we die. A quest for knowledge about the universe, our place within it, who we are, and who we are becoming. 

I've always been the full expression of who I am, dressed how I wanted, acted as myself, followed my true passions and dreams. I've always just wanted my character, and personality to speak for itself without judgment. When you get to know me, you know who I truly am. Sexuality I felt should never matter, people judge and people don't tend to be very understanding. I used to feel that sexuality is a private thing, that it is nobody's business except for you, and the other person lying in your bed. 

But I have began to feel that even by NOT revealing the true nature of my sexuality, I would also feel like I am lying. I'm not sure if I would be lying to myself, or others but I have began to feel that there is a reason I was given this attribute. Maybe it might play a role towards my purpose and destiny to fulfill here on earth. Either way for some reason deep inside I feel that I must express this part of myself with others.

God has given us each a very unique path, in which we are blessed to walk upon. We have some barriers to overcome, but we are each seeking our fullest potential, and expression of ourselves. Each seeking transcendance, acceptance, expression, and belonging in this world. Which shows that in some twisted way through individuality we still somehow lean on each other. We need each other in this world, like each strand of silk a spider spins, strand by strand supporting each other to produce such an intricate, yet miraculous web. Live your truth. Express. Create. Tell your story.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you..." -Maya Angelou

Honor your potential, one man can do great things and make a great impact in this world. I know we may grow weary, and our feet tired, but theres still a long journey ahead. Just know that we have enough gasoline, and fire to propel us way further than our wildest dreams... "Aim for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars..."

Stay searching my fellow dreamers. Let your life unfold from the heart, your journey may surprise you...





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