As I briefly touched upon in my last post the importance of letting go of the past. This is what I mean exactly by that:

So during this journey of mine to fulfill my utmost potential, I pondered upon this very quote that helps me when I have a hard time letting my fears, or hesitations go. It took me a while to get to this space in life. As I still have the rest of my life ahead of me to learn and grow. But one lesson I have learned is...

"Don't be afraid of what you will miss... Be afraid of what you are missing out on." 

Now, this rings true to me on very deep levels. And can be seen in all realms of ourselves. The more I focused on this point and actually tried to apply it to myself, I saw my fears fade away and got nothing but glimpses of the potential, and what could be...if I want.

The key is to let go of the past...

We must all realize that we are NOT defined by our past experiences, memories, mistakes, sins, AND MUST NOT CONTINUE TO DEFINE ONESELF AS SUCH. The more you find the definition of who you are in your past, it follows you into the present and the future. You/ We as a society find a sense of "self" in the things we have been through and done. Therefore holding us back by putting OURSELVES into a box that we cannot break free of until we realize we are more than that. Many people often choosing the victim role because the things they have been through, therefore continuing to play victim and wonders why history continues to repeat itself.

God put us through our own journey before we can identify with good, we must learn bad. You have to touch the fire, and get burned before we know what it is like to get burned. I find that I am someone who has to learn everything myself, I never listen to people. I'm curious, I want to experience everything life has to offer. Jumping into things too quickly at times without thinking. But this is how we learn. By experience. God knows this. He doesn't put us through anything that we aren't meant to go through. Often we are meant to learn, grow, and help give back to the world in some/ any sense of what that means to you.

We also have the ability to choose good or bad. God gave man free will. We could experience all of his glory by living through his name. At times we fall through the cracks of the devil, knowing (But not realizing) that at any moment God can show us a way out, we just ask, pay attention, and follow the path his light illuminates for you. A good example is by living a miserable life, doing a job you hate because you need money. Of course, we do! We all need money to survive in this world! But when you are miserable, and working towards a fictitious source ran by greed. That is when the devil wins.

But what we don't realize God gave us a higher calling, that whisper inside that you want to call your "dreams, aspirations..." Where you feel inclined to go... RUN! You are being pulled from within to a specific path in which God already planned out for you. We just must trust and let go! Why do you think you have that feeling inside anyways? If you realize this and pay attention God shows us the way. I found throughout my life that the more I focus, and pursue my dreams in the name of God, the more miraculous things happen. We pursue our dreams, surrender, and trust in God, the money will follow. Leave it up to God to figure that out.

God loves us, understands, and never judges us by what we do. As long as we fully surrender to God, put all of your faith into him, and say "I may not know exactly where to go Father, but you do... Guide me to where I need to be." We need to ask to see the light and guidance. For there is a greater plan that we could even imagine.

Not only must we let go of our past; we must FORGIVE OUR PAST. Ask yourself; what did I learn as a spirit from that experience? How can I strive to be better, living in the glory of your name?

We also have to surrender, and let go of all addictions and vices. Easier said than done I know. I have an issue with cigarettes, but for me I know we all have our own journey. This could be something silly as your focus on materialistic things, or only caring about how much money you have, or a drug addiction, a harmful relationship. It is not as much ceasing them from your life completely, (Although depending on how bad it is, you might want to consider that) It is about realizing that your life means more than this, your life is worth more than this. Realizing that you don't NEED it. Realizing that what our life should be about is by living to our fullest potential, striving to be the best person we can. We all have a different timetable. It could be right now, right this second. If you let it be...

Before we can truly do this we must first seek refuge in gratitude for what we have, as well as what we have been through. Focusing only on the good, and letting go of the bad.

Just the other day my father was discussing with me; how people always take advantage of the "good people" in life. I often hear people say... "It's so hard being a good person!" This is a quote that I learned, focused on, and continue to focus on. I try to live my life according to this quote and would like to share it with you the same way I shared it with my father...

Found written on the wall in Mother Teresa's home for children in Calcutta:

"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  

Forgive them anyway. 

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  

Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  

Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  

Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  

Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  

It was never between you and them anyway." 

-Mother Teresa

I also came across this quote while I was trying to find the other quote and felt it also speaks to the same message on what truly matters in life.

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.
We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” 
― Mother Teresa

Until next time.


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